MedGroww would like to clarify that the images/graphics used on the website may be available on the internet and are considered open source for representational purposes. These images and content, found on the internet, are simultaneously in the public domain, allowing their use by interested parties. However, MedGroww never intentionally intends to violate or infringe upon the rights of any individual or firm expressly stated by the same.

While upholding responsibility for our actions, MedGroww expressly disclaims any intention to knowingly infringe upon the rights of any individual or entity. If you are the exclusive rights holder of any images or content showcased on our website,, kindly notify MedGroww promptly.

While striving to prevent any infringement on copyright or ownership rights, if any individual or entity has concerns about MedGroww using their owned or copyrighted material without proper authorization or credits, we welcome written complaints, notices, or requests for the withdrawal of the content. Please specify the image, content, or other elements in question and send your communication to The forwarded complaint/notice/request must contain:

  1. Name and valid details of the complainant, along with a document expressing their sole right as the holder of the image, content, or others concerned.
  2. The exact place on the website where the content was first viewed by the aggrieved party, along with visual proof and/or URL link of the page.
  3. Specific details of the image, content, or other.
  4. A declaration addressed to MedGroww of being the rightful owner of the work used inappropriately.
  5. If a second party is writing on behalf of the original copyright holder, a letter of authority along with the physically or electronically signed declaration by the first party or the original copyright holder should be attached.

If any of the above details are incomplete or inappropriate, the request may not be considered in minor cases, and in specific cases, it might result in legal action against the individual or company making a baseless claim.

Once a fully valid, verified complaint/notice/request is received, MedGroww will acknowledge it in writing and provide a requested duration during which the issue will be duly addressed.

These clauses are part of the founding policy of MedGroww, which never intentionally holds rights over anything owned by a party other than MedGroww.

MedGroww stands at the forefront of health-centric online platforms, seamlessly bridging connections and empowering individuals with the wealth of knowledge and health information they need.

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